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Posts Tagged ‘Miniature Tigers’

  1. Freelance Whales and Miniature Tigers at Detroit Bar 11.16.10

    November 29, 2010 by Steph

    I was magically paired up with great photographer Micah Wright to hang out with friends and check out Detroit Bar a few Tuesdays ago to see Miniature Tigers and Freelance Whales. The night opened with a local band called The New Limb. I hadn’t heard much from them, but now that I’m looking them up, I’m guessing I should have. Winners of Best Band 2010 for OC Music Awards and OC Weekly’s Best Live Band of 2009 and nominees for several more, I realize I definitely should have caught more of their set. They brought quite an excited crowd and I’ll definitely have to make it out to another of their shows.

    Next up was Miniature Tigers, a band I heard about in the spring when their single “Gold Skull” with Neon Indian for their sophomore album Fortress was released. I was instantly in love, but as it was a collaboration, the rest of the album made a different impression. Not bad, but not what I had hoped for. Going into the night with only moderate expectations, I was pleasantly surprised. The psych rock mixed with folk elements drew me in like hypnosis and required my swaying with the music. In a venue that small, the music sounded giant and enveloped the crowd just like the smoke from the fog machines. Even though they never played “Gold Skull,” I was more than satisfied with the set. (I didn’t get any video of them because I kept hoping to record Gold Skull)

    Freelance Whales was up next. This is a band that I have been following since before the release of their debut album Weathervanes in April of last year. The set started out a bit shakey–Judah’s vocals sounded intentionally rough as though sounding like Conor Oberst was the only way to convey his emotion. After a few songs, the set shaped up into the tight eclectic pop that I recognized. They played all the favorites, which means practically everything from their album. All the members rotated instruments, incorporating glockenspiel and harmonium as well as the traditional synth, guitar, and drums. The band also played three new songs, the last of which was my favorite, but I don’t know the names. With that much new music ready to play live, it wouldn’t surprise me if they had a release date for some time next year. Overall, the band was light and fun with a level of intensity that surprised me. The eclectic nature of the music seemed organic and not as some contrived indie-hipster creation. I loved it and I could have listened to hours more.

    After the band left the stage, I decided to approach Judah and ask him a question that had been on my mind about the album. Whether “Hannah Takes The Stairs” had something to do with the movie of the same name. He explained the association, saying that after he watched the film he had a dream and that’s how the song came about.

    Both bands were great and I was so glad that Micah Wright was able to come shoot the show because the photos are beautiful. If you haven’t checked out these bands yet, do so now!

  2. Miniature Tigers

    July 19, 2010 by Steph

    Miniature Tigers, Fortress

    F O R T R E S S out July 27th on Modern Art Records/ILG

    When I first heard the single “Gold Skull featuring Neon Indian” from Miniature Tigers’ sophomore album FORTRESS it was right about the time MGMT’s Congratulations was released and I thought, “now this is what MGMT’s sophomore album should have sounded like.” It opens with a catchy electronic melody, quickly joined by a slow and simple electronic drum beat. The hollow sound of the vocals and the experimental synthesized harmonies create an ethereal sound, sending the listener into a dream-like state.

    While hopeful that the rest of the album would carry through with this electro pop, upon listening to the other tracks I was completely caught off guard. That’s not to say the rest of the album isn’t great, but none of the tracks quite matched up to the potential of the single. The feeling of this dream-like state carries through on the album FORTRESS, however, many of the other tracks lack the catchy-ness of “Gold Skull.” Many of the songs have a heavy Beatles-influence, slathering the tracks with surf-rock guitarMiniature Tigers, but layered with a certain hauntedness. Not suprising since they recorded the album at Dreamland, a converted 19th century house deep in the woods of Upstate New York.

    Overall, I really enjoyed the record. The single is definitely my favorite and a major stand-out track. However, if you pop the CD in your player, you won’t be disappointed.


  3. Miniature Tigers’ single Gold Skull

    May 18, 2010 by Steph

    Miniature Tigers, FortressSo I’m incredibly excited about having just received Miniature Tigers’ upcoming sophomore release Fortress. I will be posting a review of the new album as soon as possible but for now, I can’t tell you anything! Super hush hush!

    Although I’ve been sworn to absolute secrecy, I can tell you that you can check out their debut single “Gold Skull” here:

    Miniature Tiger’s single Gold Skull

    And they’ll be touring with Free Energy if you want to catch them live:

    5/26/10 Cambridge MA  Middle East
    5/27/10 Hamden CT  The Space
    5/28/10 Philadelphia PA  First Unitarian Church
    5/29/10 New York NY  Bowery Ballroom
    5/30/10 Washington DC  Rock And Roll Hotel
    6/1/10 Chapel Hill NC  Local 506
    6/2/10 Charlotte NC  Snug Harbor
    6/3/10 Atlanta  GA  The Star Bar
    6/5/10 Houston TX  Eleanor Tinsley Park
    6/6/10 McAllen TX  Cine El Rey Theaer
    8/6/10 Chicago IL  Lollapalooza

    More to come soon!