Posts Tagged ‘walking sleep’
Walking Sleep’s Tarp Sessions Vol. 3
October 11, 2011 by Steph
Walking Sleep’s series of EPs, Tarp Sessions, will be released as a full length on collectable orange 12″ vinyl on November 1st. They’ll have some pre-order bundles available next week.If you’re a frequent reader, you’re aware of my weakness for finely tuned indie pop withguy/girl vocals. Walking Sleep fits right in, rocking it out and romancing with the essence of the dreamy fifties. Grab your beau and catch them tonight at The Bootleg with Radical Face. Walking Sleep goes on at 8:45 so make sure to get there early.Category Live, News | Tags: duoties,fifties,guy/girl,Los Angeles,walking sleep | Comments Off on Walking Sleep’s Tarp Sessions Vol. 3
Walking Sleep LA Residency
April 17, 2011 by Steph
There are two more Mondays left in April and on one of them, I will be heading over to The Satellite to check out Walking Sleep’s residency show. I can tell you right now it’s most likely going to be the free one, But at any rate, I just downloaded this EP and so far I dig it so I thought you might too. Groovy bass-heavy indie rock with guy/girl duo vocals (man, I’m a sucker for that). See you on Monday?
4/18 Marvelous Toy, Michael’s House, Sara Radle Band (free)
4/25 The Airborne Toxic Event ($20)Category Features, Tracks | Tags: residency,Tarp Sessions Vol. 2,the satellite,walking sleep | 3 Comments