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Posts Tagged ‘Poison the Well’

  1. Sounds of Sasquatch v.IV: Sleigh Bells

    May 25, 2011 by Dave

    Sleigh Bells began with a conversation in a Brazilian restaurant between the guitarist of Poison the Well and the mother of the very talented Alexis Krauss.  In what remains one of my favorite “this is how the band got together” stories, Derek Miller (previously of poison the well) was waiting tables at Miss Favela when he mentioned he was looking for a female vocalist and heard the mother of Alexis Krauss immediately volunteer her daughter.  Sleigh Bell’s sound might be  described by comparing them to another male/female duo “the bird in the bee”.  If you’re familiar, imagine the bird and the bee beating you violently across the face with their music utilizing powerful beats and screeching guitars producing a sound that garnered a lot of media attention very quickly.

    Only a few years into existence and this group is already throwing down performances at festivals like Coachella and Pitchfork receiving rave reviews.  Their set will be short but you will leave it out of breath.

    “Crown on the Ground”