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Alkaline Trio’s Agony and Irony

July 18, 2008 by Steph

Agony and Irony by Alkaline Trio
I’ve been listening to Alkaline Trio for a couple of years now and I love the darkness and sadisticness to their music and lyrics.  They’ve been made infamous for their references of sin (“Hell Yes”), failed love (“Blue In The Face”) and emptiness (“I Was A Prayer”).

Alkaline Trio let on to Alternative Press Magazine that Agony and Irony would be a throw back to their older stuff.  I don’t think I can agree with that.  The lyrics are still self-deprocating, even including an acoustic version of “Maybe I’ll Catch Fire” on the iTunes bonus version.  However, the music lacks the darkness from Crimson, Good Mourning, or really much of their other stuff.  It has a much lighter, poppy feel that creates a much more genaric rock sound than I’m used to hearing from Alkaline Trio.  The vocals are still very unique and if you look past the music, you’ll find the sadistic and masochistic lyrics you love.  You’ll no doubt still be able to pick out a Trio song any day, but while I enjoy Agony and Irony, especially “Love Love, Kiss Kiss” and the single “Help Me,” I expected a little more from such a great band.

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