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Voo Doo Glow Skulls with Suburban Legends, Chase Long Beach, and Knock Out

January 17, 2008 by Steph

Voo Doo Glow Skulls with Suburban Legends, Chase Long Beach, and Knock Out at the House of Blues, Anaheim on Friday, January 11 2008

Knock-Out was pretty entertaining. Their sound is very typical reggae/ ska. Most of their sounds were a close replication of Sublime-like tunes while others were slightly more Pepper-status with a little bit of punk thrown in. They got got some kids to start a circle pit at some point. If you’re trying to add more “reggae/ska” genre songs to your iTunes, give them a listen, but as far as innovation or creativity, they get a C.

Chase Long Beach gets a WOO from me. And by WOO I mean they made my feet do a little dance. Not really, but you get the point. Mix No Doubt with a little bit of Tsunami Bomb and Chase Long Beach is what you get. The lead singer had a big personality and knew just how to keep my attention. They tunes are catchy and the lyrics are sarcastic and about what it’s like to be a 20something like in Outlander “lets take a drink so we don’t have to think!” So to summarize…A. Check them out.

Suburban Legends… what to say? Guys, I was disappointed. Maybe it’s because the last time I saw you it was at the Happiest Place on Earth, but I definitely remember you being better. Cruel? Get over it. You are exactly this: a Disneyland Band. Too much of show tunes trying to mix with rock and overrated lyrics. I will give you this: you can dance. Hey Robot – YOU ROCK! If I was going to a concert to see you guys shake your booties, you would get an A+! …but unfortunate for Suburban Legends, most people like to enjoy music at a concert. And for that… C.

Voodoo Glow Skulls. That says it all. I do judge books by their covers. You know why? All good books have good covers. And I’ve found some good albums judging them by their covers too. So when I heard “Voodoo Glow Skulls”, which reminds me of the glow-in-the-dark skeleton decorations I hang on my door at Halloween, I decided In N Out was more important.

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