Solo-67’s Everybody Has To Know
Solo-67 is punch-you-in-the-face-while-simultaneously-break-dancing-and-starting-a-circle-pit IMPRESSIVE.
These kids know what they’re doing. And I say “kids” because they are just that. And that’s part of what made my mouth drop open when I heard them for the first time. Cooper, Matt, and Chris just graduated from high school last June. By their clean tracks they just released on the full-length Everybody Has To Know you’d never know it though.

This Texas pop-punk trio has “it.” I know that “radio-worthy” sometimes isn’t a compliment these days, so instead I will say that if they showed at warped tour, every scenester, punk, and prom queen would have their track on their myspace this summer. Their hooks are catchy but their style isn’t bubble-gum so they have the ability to appeal to just about anyone.

Even so, while it’s easy to compare them with other great bands, their style is fully their own. They’re not a copycat band. They don’t rely on anyone to feed them ideas. Their creativity for such a new and young band is just… impressive.
Their lyrics are the only things that give evidence of their age. Full of teenage angst about girls and hearts, the words compliement each track well. Lines like “Goodbye heartache, I can make it on my own” and “I’ll follow you for miles and miles, how can you blame me?” are borderline cliche, but only make these boys more adorable.