Jeffree Star’s Plastic Surgery Slumber Party
So I’ve seen Jeffree Star around a few shows and today I decided to browse his music myspace. I was listening to his tracks and going through his pictures…
He is definitely the most gorgeous cross-dresser I’ve ever seen. And the rumors tell me that some rockers think he’s pretty good in bed. But the music… it sounds like the noise I imagine him making in this photo with caption, “bulemia never looked this good.”
I can’t tell if he’s mocking pop culture and “scene” icons like the razor blade or publicizing it. It’s an ambiguous line he’s on between criticizing Barbie and Miss USA and and dying to be them.

The music… there’s just nothing to say about it. It isn’t isn’t pleasing in any way unless you want to get off to lyrics like “You like it fast.. I like it hard” and “It doesn’t feel right so keep going down… I wanna L your P. I wanna S your D.”
I picture a thirteen-year-old boy walking up to the check out stand at Target with nothing but Plastic Surgery Slumber Party and the cashier responding, “Would you like some porn with that?”
Jeffree’s music is aural porn and nothing better. It’s trashy and vulgar and is nothing remotely close to what could be construed by anyone as good music.
But if that’s what you’re into…