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  1. Tasseomancy’s “Healthy Hands (will mourn you)”

    July 20, 2011 by Steph

    Since my first introduction, I’ve been completely sold on this band. Their dark and dreamy “psych folk” is charming and completely encapsulating. If Sea of Bees had en evil twin, it would be Tasseomancy. Or, if Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. had a goth little sister, you’d find it in this band. That said, the two Lightman sisters, Sari and Romy, also draw on nostalgia with hints of 60s girl pop a la The Shangri-Las.

    I’m very excited for their new record Ulalume! to come out August 30th. In the meantime, you can download their track “Healthy Hands (will mourn you)” below.

  2. Rosebuds and Other Lives

    July 5, 2011 by Steph

  3. Kitten at The Echo

    July 4, 2011 by Steph

    Petite Chloe Chaidez flit around the venue saying hello to friends in her hometown as if they had come to see her high school play or ballet recital. Quite to the contrary, with her band she was about to rock the house. Charging the stage with full energy, she opened the set with a cover of Joy Divisions “Transmission” and while it’s quite a risk to cover such a well-loved band, Kitten pulled it off with ease.

    With each song, Chloe danced the stage into submission, commanding attention of the whole room. As young as she is, her demeanor was dark and brooding, flinging herself like a broken doll. She rocked “Japanese Eyes” and then my favorite new track from her upcoming full length “Apples and Cigarettes” (I’d like to think per my request). It was the only song in the set that she slowed down to catch her breath and it was sensational. She flashed through “Kill the Light” from the Sunday School EP, a new one “Hot Rod,” a personal favorite “Johnny Johnny Johnny,” and another newer one “Catholic Boys,” among other tracks. She closed with “Kitten with a Whip” from the EP. She barely stop for a second, whirring and writhing around the stage. The performance was spectacular, fascinating, and made everyone observing pine for more of this great band.

    If you haven’t gotten to see them live yet, they’ll be on the road all summer (tour dates below). Also, if you haven’t read it yet, I had a great interview with Chloe just a few days earlier.

    Listen to a demo of “Apples and Cigarettes”:



  4. Seattle’s The Cave Singers

    July 2, 2011 by Steph

    The Cave Singers

    The three man band from Seattle better known as The Cave Singers deliver soulful folk at its best in their latest release, No Witch. Out earlier this year, No Witch is the band’s third and strongest album yet, prompting them to tour alongside fellow Seattle folksters, Fleet Foxes. Utilizing the rhythm of the audience’s hand-clapping, Marty Lund’s sizzling percussion, Derek Fudesco’s melodic guitar and Pete Quirk’s enveloping voice to bring it all together, The Cave Singers deliver passionate and memorable live performances. I highly recommend catching a show in their ongoing tour, which includes a performance at this year’s Newport Folk Festival.

    Listen to “Swim Club”:

  5. Interview with Seryn of Denton, TX

    June 30, 2011 by Steph


    A few weeks ago I had a pleasantly surprised to find an amazing band playing at Redwood when just grabbing a drink with a friend. As I saw them assembling their gear, I became more and more curious of the mystery band. A whole stage full of instruments that could belong to 10 bluegrass band players, Seryn finally took the stage. Their dynamics were amazing, building a complete soundcape with every instrument and vocal part intertwining intricately. It’s as if Freelance Whales decided to make a Mumford and Sons record with Greg Laswell as the front man (and it could not have been a better combination). I was so in awe of them live that I was completely fixated and harassed them the next day for a copy of their recent record This Is Where We Are. Although the record isn’t as visceral and tangible as their live show, both are supreme. I decided to ask Nathan and Chelsea of the Denton band a few questions…

    Listen to “We Will All Be Changed” by Seryn:

    S: So first off, I saw your guys’ set at Redwoods in Los Angeles and your live show is pretty spectacular and dynamic. Was a great introduction to the band. Had you played Los Angeles before?

    Nathan: Thanks so much! Glad you made it out. We have never played in LA before, so it was a great first night there.

    S: Did you get to do anything exciting while you were in town? Do any sightseeing?

    Nathan: We spent a few hours down in Huntington Beach. We don’t really have Pacific Oceans in Texas, so it was a must.

    S: You guys have been touring almost non-stop all year, including a highly-praised stint at SXSW in Austin. Is it taxing to be on the road so much or do you love it? And what have been some of the highlights? (more…)

  6. Jarrod Gorbel at The Troubadour

    June 29, 2011 by Steph

    Jarrod Gorbel at The Troubadour

    It would be easy, having been a fan of The Honorary Title, to spend a whole review comparing Jarrod Gorbel’s solo material to his old work as part of the band. I will do my best to refrain.

    Jarrod Gorbel’s work as a solo artist is not far from his previous project, except with a folky twang. The stage set-up included a violinist and back-up vocalist Abby and keyboard player Dustin. Gorbel’s voice fills a room and soars with all it’s imperfections, pleading each word in songs like “Desperate Hands” and “Miserable Without You.” Always a trademark of Gorbel, his voice was perfection in every imperfection and every wavering note last week at The Troubadour in Los Angeles. “Miserable Without You” was a great rendition of his song from his recent EP Bruises From Your Bad Dreams named from a line in the song. I liked Abby’s voice and her violin skills were fantastic.

    Gorbel seems to be in constant apology with lyrics pegging him the victim and the villain in alternating songs. However, it’s his puppy dog eyes and sweet vocals that make you forgive him every time, connecting you to him and begging him for more.

    Listen to “Miserable Without You” featuring Nicole Atkins:

    If you haven’t gotten “Bruises From Your Bad Dreams” yet, it’s worth far more than the $5 it’ll cost you on iTunes.

  7. Interview with Kitten, Live at The Echo Tonight!

    June 28, 2011 by Steph

    Kitten, photo credit Andrew Zaeh

    Kitten’s Chloe Chaidez is incredible. She’s only 16 and making amazing pop-infused indie rock worthy of someone twice her age. I was introduced to Kitten through her Sunday School EP, released in October last year, and her session with The Wild Honey Pie. Now she’s about to tour around the U.S. with Brother and then Electric Six. First, she’ll be playing at The Echo tomorrow sponsored by with The Postelles. And before any of that, I got to ask Chloe a few questions about life as a young professional musician.

    S: You’re only 16 and already your music is being compared to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Karen O, Cat Power and The Killers. How long have you been making music?

    Chloe: Well I’ve been in bands since I was 10, so I guess you could say I started young. My first instrument was bass, and soon after I learned guitar and started to write. It was  “live, breath eat music” from there on out.

    S: Who are some of the bands and musicians that have inspired you? Which do you credit as influences on Kitten’s sound?

    Chloe: Fortunately the other guys in the band come from very different musical backgrounds, so as a whole we have a lot of people/bands influencing our music. Personally speaking, bands like New Order, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Iggy Pop have influenced me greatly over Kitten’s short life span.

    S: How did you get into such a solid collection of music at a young age? Do you have musical parents or an older sibling you who introduced you or did you find it on your own?

    Chloe: Both actually. My dad is a musician who introduced to me all the classics at an early age, which I loved. When I got a bit older and my brother started to become more of a friend than an enemy, he began showing me bands like Justice (in their heyday), Crystal Castles, and Toro Y Moi . But to be fair, both opened my eyes to great music I might have never heard otherwise.

    S: Has your taste in music changed over the years? Do you have any “guilty pleasure” albums? Any Ke$ha in your collection?

    Chloe: I think the closest artist to a “guilty pleasure” in my iTunes library would be La Roux. But to be honest there’s really no guilt tied to that pleasure , she has great songs!

    S: A lot of the tracks on the Sunday School EP are pretty dark, whether through the lyrics or the music itself (“I’m gonna love you till I’m dead / a place to lay my head”). What do you draw inspiration from? Are your songs autobiographical?

    Listen to “Kill the Light” by Kitten

    Chloe: I think there are always going to be bits of yourself in your writing. You can’t really help that. But I wouldn’t necessarily call my songs autobiographical, they’re more like a lot of  little ideas and images being put to music that usually seem to tie together in the end.

    S: Are you writing new songs? When can we expect a new release from Kitten? Maybe a full-length?

    Chloe: Yes! We’re actually in the middle of recording a full length right now  that will be released sometime in the fall.

    S: Being such a young starlet, and given how outrageous previous young female artist have been, is maintaining a strong female image important to you? Are there any strong women you’ve looked up to as a role model?

    Chloe: Strong men and women are the same to me. If I find someone that I feel is worth looking up too, they’re gender really doesn’t matter. I don’t want to be known as one of the greatest “female” musicians of all time , I want to be known as one the greatest musician’s of all time.

    S: This year has been pretty spectacular for Kitten–great performances at CMJ and SXSW with praise from everyone from MTV to Spin. Did you ever expect all of this when you first demoed your songs for Bill Racine? Did you think “these songs are gold”?

    Chloe: I wasn’t expecting much to be honest, it was just an EP and i’m glad its done well for us. I’m really excited for everyone to hear our full length and see how much we’ve grown.

    S: What has been the highlight of it all? Any point where you thought, “wow, I’ve made it” or is that yet to come?

    Chloe: Definitely yet to come. That said,  I’ve hit some goals that I wouldn’t think I’d meet until much later in life.

    S: Your video for “Chinatown” is really cool with its special effects. Tell me a bit about the video and the idea for it. Does it relate to the inspiration for the song?

    Chloe: Basically we were sent a couple different treatments, and the concept that ended up being the video was the one that really clicked with all of us. Bryan (the director) could tell you more about the effects.  As far as the band were concerned, we wanted something different visually and not what you would expect for the song.

    S: You’re about to head on tour with Brother and then Electric Six. Do you enjoy being out on the road? What are some of the best/worst parts? What do you plan to do about school?

    Chloe: I enjoy being on the road more than anything else in the entire world. I would spend all year touring if i could. The best part is simply devouring that energy from a crowd every single night and having such a luxury be your only responsibility. The worst part is having to wear the same pair of underwear two days in a row, sometimes..

    As far school goes, I homeschool online and it seems to be working well.

    S: Thanks so much, Chloe! I’m excited to see you at The Echo. Do me a favor and play “Apples and Cigarettes”!

  8. Unofficial Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Video

    June 23, 2011 by Steph

    If I was told that this was DEJJ’s new video for “Simple Girl” I wouldn’t have batted an eye. It’s adorable, sweet, and perfect for the lyrics “She’s a simple girl / She’s governed by simple pleasures.” Actress Jennifer Plotkin makes for the picturesque carefree Cali-girl with a twinkle in her eye. It, in fact, was constructed purely for the joy of video-making by some DEJJ fans. Thanks Dru Korab and Tyler Rumph for the great video.

  9. The Jezabels – “Hurt Me (acoustic)” Live in the UK

    June 17, 2011 by Steph

    The Jezabels played The Great Escape in Brighton, England a few weeks ago and there did a session with Right Guard’s “Off Guard Gigs” for “Hurt Me (acoustic).” They have a small set up with just small set-up of bongos, an acoustic guitar, battery-operated keyboard, and of course, Haley Mary’s soaring vocals.

    The band is finally working on their debut LP and I can’t wait!